-`Role` (and its associative table `UserRole`) map current roles the user has. This is used for e.g. permissions (`Vorstand`, `Admin`, `cox`, ... roles) and fee calculation (`Donau Linz`, `scheckbuch`, `Rennjugend`).
-`Family` specifies, well, a family. Currently only used for fee calculation.
-`cluster` in `Role` groups roles together. There is a db check to only allow for at most 1 role of the same cluster (e.g. either `cox` or `bootsfuehrer`, but not both).
1.**Trips:** Trips can be created by every cox. They are "simple", every-day trips.
2.**Events:** Events can be created by everyone who has the `manage_events` role. They are used if multiple coxes are needed, e.g. for "Fetzenfahrt", "Anrudern", .... Additionally, events are shown in public calendar (e.g. on the website).