remove 1 minute timeout + use local timezone where appropriate and fix tests between 0 and 1 o'clock #237

philipp merged 1 commits from staging into main 2024-03-05 00:17:59 +01:00
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philipp added 1 commit 2024-03-05 00:17:50 +01:00
use local timezone where appropriate and fix tests between 0 and 1 o'clock
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Waiting to run
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Waiting to run
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp merged commit 5cbdb2ae63 into main 2024-03-05 00:17:59 +01:00
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Reference: Ruderverein-Donau-Linz/rowt#237
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