notification-badge #401

philipp merged 16 commits from notification-badge into main 2024-04-19 16:36:22 +02:00

I tried getting users to mark their notifications as 'read', by having a red label with a counter in the menu (and a red 'mark as read' button). What do you think? It's available for testing @ staging :-)

I tried getting users to mark their notifications as 'read', by having a red label with a counter in the menu (and a red 'mark as read' button). What do you think? It's available for testing @ staging :-)
philipp added 2 commits 2024-04-17 13:59:06 +02:00
show notification badge in menu
Some checks are pending
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Waiting to run
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
make it more clear which action is required if notifications are present
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-17 14:10:33 +02:00
Merge branch 'main' into notification-badge
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 13m1s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp requested review from marie 2024-04-17 15:10:15 +02:00
marie added 1 commit 2024-04-19 11:09:37 +02:00
[TASK] improve styling
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Failing after 15m38s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
marie added 1 commit 2024-04-19 11:25:30 +02:00
[TASK] finalize notification styling
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Failing after 15m47s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 12:06:29 +02:00
show information that people should mark msgs as read if there are more than 10 unread msgs
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Failing after 15m47s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
marie added 4 commits 2024-04-19 12:55:15 +02:00
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 13:00:57 +02:00
don't show warning about many notifications if they are already read
Some checks are pending
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Waiting to run
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 13:09:24 +02:00
fix ci
Some checks are pending
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Waiting to run
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 13:17:32 +02:00
fix comma issue
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Failing after 23m58s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 15:04:09 +02:00
wait until dev server started for frontend tests
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Failing after 23m51s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-19 15:33:49 +02:00
make clicking on 'create trip' button more robust (clicked on notification as this was the first .relative element
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 21m15s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp changed title from WIP: notification-badge to notification-badge 2024-04-19 15:56:30 +02:00
philipp merged commit 31d45d6ab4 into main 2024-04-19 16:36:22 +02:00
philipp deleted branch notification-badge 2024-04-19 16:36:22 +02:00
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Reference: Ruderverein-Donau-Linz/rowt#401
No description provided.