staging #226

philipp merged 6 commits from staging into main 2024-03-04 10:03:16 +01:00
4 changed files with 26 additions and 18 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 9c3ae7434e - Show all commits

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use sqlx::SqlitePool;
async fn index(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
admin: AdminUser,
user: VorstandUser,
flash: Option<FlashMessage<'_>>,
) -> Template {
let user_futures: Vec<_> = User::all(db)
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ async fn index(
.map(|u| async move { UserWithRoles::from_user(u, db).await })
let user: User = user.into();
let allowed_to_edit = user.has_role(db, "admin").await;
let users: Vec<UserWithRoles> = join_all(user_futures).await;
let roles = Role::all(db).await;
@ -37,13 +40,11 @@ async fn index(
if let Some(msg) = flash {
context.insert("flash", &msg.into_inner());
context.insert("allowed_to_edit", &allowed_to_edit);
context.insert("users", &users);
context.insert("roles", &roles);
context.insert("families", &families);
&UserWithRoles::from_user(admin.user, db).await,
context.insert("loggedin_user", &UserWithRoles::from_user(user, db).await);
Template::render("admin/user/index", context.into_json())

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
<h1 class="h1">Users</h1>
{% if allowed_to_edit %}
<form action="/admin/user/new" method="post" class="mt-4 bg-primary-900 rounded-md text-white px-3 pb-3 pt-2 sm:flex items-end justify-between">
<div class="w-full">
<h2 class="text-md font-bold mb-2 uppercase tracking-wide">Neuen User hinzufügen</h2>
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
<input value="Hinzufügen" type="submit" class="w-28 mt-2 sm:mt-0 rounded-md bg-primary-500 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white hover:bg-primary-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-primary-600 cursor-pointer"/>
{% endif %}
<!-- START filterBar -->
<div class="search-wrapper">
@ -60,21 +62,24 @@
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 gap-3">
{% for role in roles %}
{{ macros::checkbox(, name="roles[" ~ ~ "]", id=loop.index , in user.roles) }}
{{ macros::checkbox(, name="roles[" ~ ~ "]", id=loop.index , in user.roles, disabled=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{% endfor%}
{{ macros::input(label='DOB', name='dob', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.dob) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Weight (kg)', name='weight', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.weight) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Sex', name='sex', id=loop.index, type="text", }}
{{ macros::input(label='Mitglied seit', name='member_since_date', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.member_since_date) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Geburtsdatum', name='birthdate', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.birthdate) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Mail', name='mail', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.mail) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Nickname', name='nickname', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.nickname) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Notizen', name='notes', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.notes) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Telefon', name='phone', id=loop.index, type="text", }}
{{ macros::input(label='Adresse', name='address', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.address) }}
{{ macros::input(label='DOB', name='dob', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.dob, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Weight (kg)', name='weight', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.weight, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Sex', name='sex', id=loop.index, type="text",, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Mitglied seit', name='member_since_date', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.member_since_date, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Geburtsdatum', name='birthdate', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.birthdate, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Mail', name='mail', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.mail, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Nickname', name='nickname', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.nickname, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Notizen', name='notes', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.notes, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Telefon', name='phone', id=loop.index, type="text",, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{{ macros::input(label='Adresse', name='address', id=loop.index, type="text", value=user.address, readonly=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
{% if allowed_to_edit %}
{{ macros::select(label="Familie", data=families, name='family_id', selected_id=user.family_id, display=['names'], default="Keine Familie", new_last_entry='Neue Familie anlegen') }}
{% endif %}
{% if allowed_to_edit %}
<div class="mt-3 text-right">
<a href="/admin/user/{{ }}/delete" class="w-28 btn btn-alert" onclick="return confirm('Wirklich löschen?');">
{% include "includes/delete-icon" %}
@ -82,6 +87,7 @@
<input value="Ändern" type="submit" class="w-28 btn btn-primary ml-1"/>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

@ -154,10 +154,10 @@
<div class="h-8"></div>
{% endmacro header %}
{% macro input(label, name, type, required=false, class='rounded-md', value='', min='', hide_label=false, id='', autofocus=false, wrapper_class='', pattern='') %}
{% macro input(label, name, type, required=false, class='rounded-md', value='', min='', hide_label=false, id='', autofocus=false, wrapper_class='', pattern='', readonly=false) %}
<div class="{{wrapper_class}}">
<label for="{{ name }}" class="{% if hide_label %} sr-only {% else %} text-sm text-gray-600 dark:text-white {% endif %}">{{ label }}</label>
<input {% if type=='datetime-local' %} onclick='if (!this.value) setCurrentdate(this)' {% endif %}{% if id %} id="{{ id }}" {% else %} id="{{ name }}" {% endif %} name="{{ name }}" type="{{ type }}" {% if required %} required {% endif %} value="{{ value }}" class="input {{ class }}" placeholder="{% if hide_label %}{{ label }}{% endif %}" {% if min is defined %} min="{{ min }}" {% endif %} {% if autofocus %} autofocus {% endif %}{% if pattern %}pattern="{{ pattern }}"{% endif %}>
<input {% if type=='datetime-local' %} onclick='if (!this.value) setCurrentdate(this)' {% endif %}{% if id %} id="{{ id }}" {% else %} id="{{ name }}" {% endif %} name="{{ name }}" type="{{ type }}" {% if required %} required {% endif %} value="{{ value }}" class="input {{ class }}" placeholder="{% if hide_label %}{{ label }}{% endif %}" {% if min is defined %} min="{{ min }}" {% endif %} {% if autofocus %} autofocus {% endif %}{% if pattern %}pattern="{{ pattern }}"{% endif %}{% if readonly %}readonly{% endif %}>
{% endmacro input %}

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
<div class="text-sm p-3">
<ul class="list-disc ms-2">
<li class="py-1"><a href="/admin/user/fees" class="link-primary">Übersicht User Gebühren</a></li>
<li class="py-1"><a href="/admin/user" class="link-primary">User</a></li>