- {# for cluster, r in roles | group_by(attribute="cluster") #}
- {# cluster #}
- {% for role in roles %}
- {{ macros::checkbox(label=role.name, name="roles[" ~ role.id ~ "]", id=loop.index , checked=role.name in user.roles, disabled=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
+ {% for cluster, cluster_roles in roles | group_by(attribute="cluster") %}
+ {# Determine the initially selected role within the cluster #}
+ {% set_global selected_role_id = "none" %}
+ {% for role in cluster_roles %}
+ {% if selected_role_id == "none" and role.name in user.roles %}
+ {% set_global selected_role_id = role.id %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {# Set default name to the selected role ID or first role if none selected #}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for role in roles %}
+ {% if not role.cluster %}
+ {{ macros::checkbox(label=role.name, name="roles[" ~ role.id ~ "]", id=loop.index , checked=role.name in user.roles, disabled=allowed_to_edit == false) }}
+ {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- {# endfor #}
{% if user.membership_pdf %}