{% import "includes/macros" as macros %} {% extends "base" %} {% block content %} <div class="max-w-screen-xl w-full grid sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4"> {% if flash %} {{ macros::alert(message=flash.1, type=flash.0, class="sm:col-span-2 lg:col-span-3") }} {% endif %} <h1 class="h1 sm:col-span-2 lg:col-span-3">Ausfahrten</h1> {% include "includes/buttons" %} {% for day in days %} {% set amount_trips = day.planned_events | length + day.trips | length %} {% set_global day_cox_needed = false %} {% if day.planned_events | length > 0 %} {% for planned_event in day.planned_events %} {% if planned_event.cox_needed %} {% set_global day_cox_needed = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} <div class="bg-white p-3 rounded-md flex justify-between flex-col shadow reset-js" style="min-height: 10rem;" data-trips="{{ amount_trips }}" data-month="{{ day.day| date(format='%m') }}" data-coxneeded="{{ day_cox_needed }}"> <div> <h2 class="font-bold uppercase tracking-wide text-center text-primary-950 text-lg">{{ day.day| date(format="%d.%m.%Y") }} <small class="inline-block ml-1 text-xs text-gray-400">{{ day.day | date(format="%A", locale="de_AT") }}</small> </h2> {% if day.planned_events | length > 0 or day.trips | length > 0 %} <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-3 divide-y mb-3"> {# --- START Events --- #} {% if day.planned_events | length > 0 %} {% for planned_event in day.planned_events | sort(attribute="planned_starting_time") %} {% set amount_cur_cox = planned_event.cox | length %} {% set amount_cox_missing = planned_event.planned_amount_cox - amount_cur_cox %} <div class="pt-2"> <div class="flex justify-between items-center"> <div> <strong class="text-primary-900"> {{ planned_event.planned_starting_time }} Uhr {% if planned_event.trip_type %} {{ planned_event.trip_type.icon | safe }}{{ planned_event.trip_type.name }} {% endif %} </strong> <small class="text-gray-600">({{ planned_event.name }})</small><br /> <a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>{{ planned_event.planned_starting_time }} Uhr</strong> ({{ planned_event.name }}){% if planned_event.trip_type %}<small class='block'>{{ planned_event.trip_type.desc }}</small>{% endif %}{% if planned_event.notes %}<small class='block'>{{ planned_event.notes }}</small>{% endif %}" data-body="#event{{ planned_event.trip_details_id }}" class="inline-block link-primary mr-3"> Details </a> </div> <div class="text-right grid gap-2"> {# --- START Row Buttons --- #} {% set_global cur_user_participates = false %} {% for rower in planned_event.rower%} {% if rower.name == loggedin_user.name %} {% set_global cur_user_participates = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if cur_user_participates %} <a href="/remove/{{ planned_event.trip_details_id }}" class="btn btn-attention btn-fw">Abmelden</a> {% endif %} {% if planned_event.max_people > planned_event.rower | length %} {% if cur_user_participates == false %} <a href="/join/{{ planned_event.trip_details_id }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-fw" {% if planned_event.trip_type %}onclick="return confirm('{{ planned_event.trip_type.question }}');"{% endif %}>Mitrudern</a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {# --- END Row Buttons --- #} {# --- START Cox Buttons --- #} {% if loggedin_user.is_cox %} {% set_global cur_user_participates = false %} {% for cox in planned_event.cox %} {% if cox.name == loggedin_user.name %} {% set_global cur_user_participates = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if cur_user_participates %} <a href="/cox/remove/{{ planned_event.id }}" class="block btn btn-attention btn-fw"> {% include "includes/cox-icon" %} Abmelden </a> {% else %} <a href="/cox/join/{{ planned_event.id }}" class="block btn {% if amount_cox_missing > 0 %} btn-dark {% else %} btn-gray {% endif %} btn-fw" {% if planned_event.trip_type %}onclick="return confirm('{{ planned_event.trip_type.question }}');"{% endif %}> {% include "includes/cox-icon" %} Steuern </a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {# --- END Cox Buttons --- #} </div> </div> {# --- START Sidebar Content --- #} <div class="hidden"> <div id="event{{ planned_event.trip_details_id }}"> {# --- START List Coxes --- #} {% if planned_event.planned_amount_cox > 0 %} {% if amount_cox_missing > 0 %} {{ macros::box(participants=planned_event.cox, empty_seats=planned_event.planned_amount_cox - amount_cur_cox, header='Noch benötigte Steuerleute:', text='Keine Steuerleute angemeldet') }} {% else %} {{ macros::box(participants=planned_event.cox, empty_seats="", header='Genügend Steuerleute haben sich angemeldet :-)', text='Keine Steuerleute angemeldet') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# --- END List Coxes --- #} {# --- START List Rowers --- #} {% if planned_event.max_people > 0 %} {% set amount_cur_rower = planned_event.rower | length %} {{ macros::box(participants=planned_event.rower, empty_seats=planned_event.max_people - amount_cur_rower, bg='primary-100', color='black') }} {% endif %} {# --- END List Rowers --- #} {% if planned_event.allow_guests %} <div class="text-primary-900 bg-primary-50 text-center p-1 mb-4">Gäste willkommen!</div> {% endif %} {% if loggedin_user.is_admin %} {# --- START Edit Form --- #} <div class="bg-gray-100 p-3 mt-4 rounded-md"> <h3 class="text-primary-950 font-bold uppercase tracking-wide mb-2">Ausfahrt bearbeiten</h3> <form action="/admin/planned-event" method="post" class="grid gap-3"> <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ planned_event.id }}" /> {{ macros::input(label='Anzahl Ruderer', name='max_people', type='number', required=true, value=planned_event.max_people, min='0') }} {{ macros::input(label='Anzahl Steuerleute', name='planned_amount_cox', type='number', value=planned_event.planned_amount_cox, required=true, min='0') }} {{ macros::input(label='Anmerkungen', name='notes', type='input', value=planned_event.notes) }} <input value="Bearbeiten" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" /> </form> </div> {# --- END Edit Form --- #} {# --- START Delete Btn --- #} <div class="text-right"> <a href="/admin/planned-event/{{ planned_event.id }}/delete" class="inline-block btn btn-alert"> {% include "includes/delete-icon" %} Termin löschen </a> </div> {% endif %} {# --- END Delete Btn --- #} </div> </div> {# --- END Sidebar Content --- #} </div> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# --- END Events --- #} {# --- START Trips --- #} {% if day.trips | length > 0 %} {% for trip in day.trips %} <div class="pt-2 reset-js" data-coxneeded="false"> <div class="flex justify-between items-center"> <div> {% if trip.max_people == 0 %} <strong class="text-[#f43f5e]">⚠ {{ trip.planned_starting_time }} Uhr {% if trip.trip_type %} {{ trip.trip_type.icon | safe }}{{ trip.trip_type.name }} {% endif %} </strong> <small class="text-[#f43f5e]">(Absage {{ trip.cox_name }})</small> {% else %} <strong class="text-primary-900">{{ trip.planned_starting_time }} Uhr {% if trip.trip_type %} {{ trip.trip_type.icon | safe }}{{ trip.trip_type.name }} {% endif %} </strong> <small class="text-gray-600">({{ trip.cox_name }})</small> {% endif %} <br /> <a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>{% if trip.max_people == 0 %}⚠ {% endif %}{{ trip.planned_starting_time }} Uhr</strong> ({{ trip.cox_name }}){% if trip.trip_type %}<small class='block'>{{ trip.trip_type.desc }}</small>{% endif %}{% if trip.notes %}<small class='block'>{{ trip.notes }}</small>{% endif %}" data-body="#trip{{ trip.trip_details_id }}" class="inline-block link-primary mr-3"> Details </a> </div> <div> {% set_global cur_user_participates = false %} {% for rower in trip.rower %} {% if rower.name == loggedin_user.name %} {% set_global cur_user_participates = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if cur_user_participates %} <a href="/remove/{{ trip.trip_details_id }}" class="btn btn-attention btn-fw">Abmelden</a> {% endif %} {% if trip.max_people > trip.rower | length and trip.cox_id != loggedin_user.id and cur_user_participates == false%} <a href="/join/{{ trip.trip_details_id }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-fw" {% if trip.trip_type %}onclick="return confirm('{{ trip.trip_type.question }}');"{% endif %}>Mitrudern</a> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> {# --- START Sidebar Content --- #} <div class="hidden"> <div id="trip{{ trip.trip_details_id }}"> {% if trip.max_people == 0 %} {# --- border-[#f43f5e] bg-[#f43f5e] --- #} {{ macros::box(participants=trip.rower,bg='[#f43f5e]',header='Absage') }} {% else %} {% set amount_cur_rower = trip.rower | length %} {{ macros::box(participants=trip.rower, empty_seats=trip.max_people - amount_cur_rower, bg='primary-100', color='black') }} {% endif %} {# --- START Edit Form --- #} {% if trip.cox_id == loggedin_user.id %} <div class="bg-gray-100 p-3 mt-4 rounded-md"> <h3 class="text-primary-950 font-bold uppercase tracking-wide mb-2">Ausfahrt bearbeiten</h3> <form action="/cox/trip/{{ trip.id }}" method="post" class="grid gap-3"> {{ macros::input(label='Anzahl Ruderer', name='max_people', type='number', required=true, value=trip.max_people, min='0') }} {{ macros::input(label='Anmerkungen', name='notes', type='input', value=trip.notes) }} {{ macros::select(select_name='trip_type', trip_types=trip_types, default='Reguläre Ausfahrt', selected_id=trip.trip_type_id) }} <input value="Bearbeiten" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" /> </form> </div> {% if trip.rower | length == 0 %} <div class="text-right mt-6"> <a href="/cox/remove/trip/{{ trip.id }}" class="inline-block btn btn-alert"> {% include "includes/delete-icon" %} Termin löschen </a> </div> {% endif %} {% endif %} {# --- END Edit Form --- #} </div> </div> {# --- END Sidebar Content --- #} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# --- END Trips --- #} </div> {% endif %} </div> {# --- START Add Buttons --- #} {% if loggedin_user.is_admin or loggedin_user.is_cox %} <div class="-mb-3 -mx-3 grid {% if loggedin_user.is_admin %} grid-cols-2 {% endif %} text-center"> {% if loggedin_user.is_admin %} <a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>Event</strong> am {{ day.day| date(format='%d.%m.%Y') }} erstellen" data-day="{{ day.day }}" data-body="#addEventForm" class="relative inline-block w-full bg-primary-900 hover:bg-primary-950 focus:bg-primary-950 text-white py-2 rounded-bl-md text-sm font-semibold"> <span class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3"> {% include "includes/plus-icon" %} </span> Event </a> {% endif %} {% if loggedin_user.is_cox%} <a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>Ausfahrt</strong> am {{ day.day| date(format='%d.%m.%Y') }} erstellen" data-day="{{ day.day }}" data-body="#sidebarForm" class="relative inline-block w-full py-2 text-primary-900 hover:text-primary-950 focus:text-primary-950 text-sm font-semibold bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 focus:bg-gray-200 {% if loggedin_user.is_admin %} rounded-br-md {% else %} rounded-b-md {% endif %}"> <span class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3"> {% include "includes/plus-icon" %} </span> Ausfahrt </a> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} {# --- END Add Buttons --- #} </div> {% endfor %} </div> </div> {% include "dynamics/sidebar" %} {% if loggedin_user.is_cox %} {% include "forms/trip" %} {% endif %} {% if loggedin_user.is_admin %} {% include "forms/event" %} {% endif %} {% endblock content %}