{% macro boatreservation() %} {#


#} {% endmacro boatreservation %} {% macro header(loggedin_user) %}
{% if "scheckbuch" in loggedin_user.roles and loggedin_user.weight and loggedin_user.sex and loggedin_user.dob %} {% include "includes/book" %} Ergo {% endif %} {% if "scheckbuch" not in loggedin_user.roles %} {% include "includes/book" %} Logbuch {% endif %} Ausloggen
{% endmacro header %} {% macro input(label, name, type, required=false, class='rounded-md', value='', min='', hide_label=false, id='', autofocus=false, wrapper_class='', pattern='', readonly=false, accept='') %}
{% endmacro input %} {% macro checkbox(label, name, id='', checked=false, class='', disabled=false) %} {% endmacro checkbox %} {% macro select(label, data, name='trip_type', default='', id='', selected_id='', display='', extras='', class='', wrapper_class='', required=false, show_seats=false, new_last_entry='') %}
{% if display == '' %} {% set display = ["name"] %} {% endif %}
{% endmacro select %} {% macro alert(message, type, class='') %}
{{ message }}
{% endmacro alert %} {% macro box(participants, empty_seats='', header='Freie Plätze:', text='Keine Ruderer angemeldet', bg='primary-600', color='white', trip_details_id='', allow_removing=false) %}
{{ header }} {{ empty_seats }}
{% if participants | length > 0 %} {% for rower in participants %} {{ rower.name }} {% if rower.is_guest %}(Scheckbuch){% endif %} {% if rower.is_real_guest %} (Gast) {% if allow_removing %} Abmelden {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {{ text }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro box %} {% macro faq(question, answer) %}

{{ question }}

{{ answer | safe }}

{% endmacro faq %}