{# Shows a fancy, optional lists of boats. They are grouped by boat category. Inputs: boats Parameters: only_ones: if set, only 1x boats are shown #} {% macro show_boats(only_ones) %} {% if only_ones %} {% set_global boats = boats | filter(attribute="amount_seats", value=1) %} {% endif %} {% for amount_seats, grouped_boats in boats | group_by(attribute="amount_seats") %}
{{ user.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for rower in log.rowers %}{{ rower.name }}
{% endfor %} {% set amount_rowers = log.rowers | length %} {% set amount_guests = log.boat.amount_seats - amount_rowers -1 %} {% if amount_guests > 0 %} Gäste (ohne Account): {{ amount_guests }} {% endif %} {% if allowed_to_close and state == "on_water" %} Löschen {% endif %}