247 lines
13 KiB
247 lines
13 KiB
{# Shows a fancy, optional lists of boats. They are grouped by boat category.
Inputs: boats
Parameters: only_ones: if set, only 1x boats are shown
{% macro show_boats(only_ones) %}
{% if only_ones %}
{% set_global boats = boats | filter(attribute="amount_seats", value=1) %}
{% endif %}
{% for amount_seats, grouped_boats in boats | group_by(attribute="amount_seats") %}
<div class="pb-2">
<div class="bg-gray-100 text-primary-950 text-center text-sm mb-2">
<strong>{{ amount_seats }}x</strong>
{% for boat in grouped_boats %}
<div id="boat-{{ boat.id }}" class="px-3 boats-js cursor-pointer" {% if boat.damage != 'locked' %} data-seats="{{boat.amount_seats}}" data-default_shipmaster_only_steering="{{boat.default_shipmaster_only_steering}}" data-onclick="true" {% endif %} data-id="{{ boat.id }}">
<span class="status-damage status-damage-{{ boat.damage }}"></span>
<span {% if boat.damage == 'locked' or boat.on_water %} class="opacity-50" {% endif %}>{{ boat.name }}
{% if boat.owner %}
<span class="opacity-50">(privat)</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro show_boats %}
{# Shows the form for creating a new logbook entry. #}
{% macro new(only_ones, shipmaster) %}
<form action="/log" method="post" id="form" class="grid grid-cols-4 gap-3" onsubmit="Array.from(this.elements).forEach(e=>!e.value.trim()&&(e.disabled=true));">
{{ log::boat_select(only_ones=only_ones) }}
{% if not only_ones %}
<div class="col-span-4 md:col-span-1">
<div class="text-sm text-gray-600">Bootssteuerung</div>
<div class="h-10 flex items-center">
{{ macros::checkbox(label='handgesteuert', name='shipmaster_only_steering', disabled=true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if not only_ones %}
{{ log::rower_select(id="newrower", selected=[], class="col-span-4", init=true) }}
{% endif %}
{{ macros::select(label="Schiffsführer", data=[], name='shipmaster', id="shipmaster-newrowerjs", wrapper_class="col-span-2") }}
{{ macros::select(label="Steuerperson", data=[], name='steering_person', id="steering_person-newrowerjs", wrapper_class="col-span-2") }}
{{ macros::input(label='Abfahrtszeit', name='departure', type='datetime-local', required=true, wrapper_class='col-span-2') }}
{{ macros::input(label='Ankunftszeit', name='arrival', type='datetime-local', wrapper_class='col-span-2') }}
<div class="relative col-span-2">
<label for="destination" class="text-sm text-gray-600">Ziel</label>
<input class="input rounded-md set-distance-js" type="search" list="destinations" placeholder="Destination" id="destination" name="destination" value="" data-relation="distance_in_km"/>
<datalist id="destinations">
{% for distance in distances %}<option value="{{ distance.0 }}" distance="{{ distance.1 }}" />
{% endfor %}
<div class="relative col-span-2">
{{ macros::input(label="Distanz", name="distance_in_km", id="distance_in_km" , type="number", min=0, value='', class="rounded-md") }}
<span class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 py-1.5 px-2 bg-white border-0 text-gray-600 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 rounded-br-md rounded-tr-md">km</span>
{{ macros::input(label="Kommentar", name="comments", type="text", wrapper_class="col-span-4") }}
{{ macros::select(label="Typ", data=logtypes, name='logtype', default="Normal", wrapper_class="col-span-4") }}
<input type="submit" value="Ausfahrt eintragen" class="btn btn-primary w-full col-span-4 m-auto"/>
{% endmacro new %}
{% macro boat_select(only_ones, id="boat_id") %}
{% if not only_ones %}
{{ macros::select(label="Boot", data=boats, name="boat_id", id=id, display=["name", " (","amount_seats", " x)"], extras=["default_shipmaster_only_steering", "amount_seats", "on_water"], wrapper_class="col-span-4", show_seats=true) }}
{% else %}
{% set ones = boats | filter(attribute="amount_seats", value=1) %}
{{ macros::select(label="Boot", data=ones, name="boat_id", id=id, display=["name", " (","amount_seats", " x)"], extras=["default_shipmaster_only_steering", "amount_seats", "on_water"], wrapper_class="col-span-4", show_seats=true) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro boat_select %}
{% macro rower_select(id, selected, amount_seats='', class='', init='false', cox_on_boat='', steering_person_id='') %}
{#{% if not amount_seats or amount_seats > 1 %}#}
<div class="{{ class }}">
<label for="{{id}}" class="text-sm text-gray-600 ">Ruderer</label>
<select style="width: 100%;" multiple name="rowers[]" id="{{id}}" class="w-full" data-seats="{{amount_seats}}" data-init={{init}}>
{% for user in users %}
{% set_global sel = false %}
{% for rower in selected %}
{% if rower.id == user.id %}
{% set_global sel = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<option value="{{ user.id }}" {% if sel %} selected {% endif %} {% if user.on_water %} disabled="disabled" {% endif %} data-custom-properties='{"is_cox": {{ user.is_cox }}, "steers": {{ user.id == steering_person_id }}, "cox_on_boat": {{ user.id == cox_on_boat}}}'>
{% if user.on_water %}
(am Wasser)
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{#{% endif %}#}
{% endmacro rower_select %}
{% macro show(log, state, allowed_to_close=false, only_ones) %}
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-3 mb-3 w-full">
<div class="pt-2 px-3 {% if not loop.first %} border-t {% endif %}">
<div class="w-full">
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<strong class="block text-primary-900">
{{ log.departure | date(format="%H:%M") }}
<a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>{{ log.departure | date(format="%H:%M") }} Uhr</strong> ({{ log.boat.name }})" data-body="#log{{ log.id }}" class="text-sm link-primary break-all">
{{ log.boat.name }}
{% if allowed_to_close and state == "on_water" %}
<a href="#" data-sidebar="true" data-trigger="sidebar" data-header="<strong>{{ log.departure | date(format="%H:%M") }} Uhr</strong> ({{ log.boat.name }})" data-body="#close{{ log.id }}" class="border-0 btn btn-dark text-white flex items-center justify-center ml-3">
{% include "includes/pencil" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="hidden">
{% if allowed_to_close and state == "on_water" %}
<div id="close{{ log.id }}">
{{ log::home(log=log, only_ones=only_ones) }}
{% endif %}
<div id="log{{ log.id }}">
{% if log.destination %}
{{ log.destination }}
{% endif %}
{% for rower in log.rowers %}
<p>{{ rower.name }} {% if rower.id == log.shipmaster or rower.id == log.steering_person %}<small class="text-gray-600">({% if rower.id == log.shipmaster %}Schiffsführer{% endif %}{% if rower.id == log.shipmaster and rower.id == log.steering_person %}/{% endif %}{% if rower.id == log.steering_person%}Steuerperson{% endif %})</small>{% endif %}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% set amount_rowers = log.rowers | length %}
{% set amount_guests = log.boat.amount_seats - amount_rowers -1 %}
{% if amount_guests > 0 %}
Gäste <small class="text-gray-600">(ohne Account)</small>:
{{ amount_guests }}
{% endif %}
{% if allowed_to_close and state == "on_water" %}
<a href="/log/{{ log.id }}/delete" class="btn btn-alert w-full absolute bottom-0 left-0" style="border-radius: 0;" onclick="return confirm('Willst du diesen Eintrag wirklich löschen? Die Daten gehen verloren');">Löschen</a>
{% endif %}
{% endmacro show %}
{% macro show_old(log, state, allowed_to_close=false, only_ones, index) %}
<div class="border-t bg-white py-3 px-4 relative" data-filterable="true" data-filter="{{ log.boat.name }} {{ log.shipmaster_user.name }} {% for rower in log.rowers %} {{ rower.name }} {% endfor %}">
{% if log.logtype %}
<div class="absolute top-0 right-0 bg-primary-100 rounded-bl-md text-primary-950 text-xs w-32 px-2 py-1 text-center font-bold">
{% if log.logtype == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% if log.logtype == 2 %}
{% else %}
{{ log.logtype }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div {% if log.logtype %} class="mt-4 sm:mt-0" {% endif %}>
<strong>{{ log.boat.name }}</strong> <small class="text-gray-600">({{ log.shipmaster_user.name }}{% if log.shipmaster_only_steering %} - handgesteuert {% endif %})</small>
<small class="block text-gray-600">
{% if state == "completed" and log.departure | date(format='%d.%m.%Y') == log.arrival | date(format='%d.%m.%Y') %}
{{ log.departure | date(format='%d.%m.%Y')}} ({{ log.departure | date(format='%H:%M')}} - {{ log.arrival | date(format='%H:%M')}})
{% else %}
{{ log.departure | date(format='%d.%m.%Y (%H:%M)') }} {% if state == "completed" %}- {{ log.arrival | date(format='%d.%m.%Y (%H:%M)') }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set amount_rowers = log.rowers | length %}
{% set amount_guests = log.boat.amount_seats - amount_rowers -1 %}
{% if allowed_to_close and state == "on_water" %}
{{ log::home(log=log, only_ones=only_ones) }}
{% else %}
{{ log.destination }}
{% if state == "completed" %}
<small class="text-gray-600">({{ log.distance_in_km }} km)</small>
{% endif %}
{% if log.comments %}
<span class="text-sm italic">- "{{ log.comments }}"</span>
{% endif %}
{% if amount_guests > 0 or log.rowers | length > 0 %}
<div class="text-sm text-gray-600">
{% for rower in log.rowers %}
{{ rower.name }}{% if not loop.last or amount_guests > 0 %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if amount_guests > 0 %}
Gäste <small class="text-gray-600">(ohne Account)</small>: {{ amount_guests }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro show_old %}
{% macro home(log, only_ones) %}
<form class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-3" action="/log/{{log.id}}" method="post">
{{ macros::input(label='Ankunftszeit', name='arrival', type='datetime-local', required=true, class="change-id-js rounded-md current-date-time") }}
<label for="destination" class="text-sm text-gray-600">Ziel</label>
<input class="input rounded-md set-distance-js change-id-js" type="search" list="destinations" placeholder="Destination" required="required" id="destination{{ log.id }}" name="destination" value="{{log.destination}}" data-relation="distance_in_km{{log.id}}"/>
<div class="relative">
{{ macros::input(label="Distanz", name="distance_in_km", id="distance_in_km" ~ log.id , type="number", min=0, value=log.distance_in_km, required=true, class="rounded-md change-id-js") }}
<span class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 py-1.5 px-2 bg-white border-0 text-gray-600 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 rounded-br-md rounded-tr-md">km</span>
{{ macros::input(label="Kommentar", name="comments", id="comments" ~ log.id, type="text", value=log.comments, class="rounded-md change-id-js") }}
<details class="bg-gray-200 bg-opacity-80 rounded-md p-2">
<summary class="cursor-pointer">Details ändern</summary>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-3">
{{ macros::input(label='Abfahrtszeit', name='departure', type='datetime-local', required=true, class="change-id-js rounded-md", value=log.departure) }}
{{ log::rower_select(id="rowers"~log.id, selected=log.rowers, amount_seats=log.boat.amount_seats, steering_person_id=log.steering_user.id, cox_on_boat=log.shipmaster_user.id) }}
{{ macros::select(label="Schiffsführer", data=[], name='shipmaster', id="shipmaster-rowers"~log.id, class="change-id-js", selected_id=log.shipmaster_user.id, required=true) }}
{{ macros::select(label="Steuerperson", data=[], name='steering_person', id="steering_person-rowers"~log.id, class="change-id-js", selected_id=log.steering_user.id, required=true) }}
<div>{{ macros::checkbox(label="Handgesteuert", name="shipmaster_only_steering", id="shipmaster_only_steering" ~ log.id , checked=log.shipmaster_only_steering,class="rounded-md change-id-js") }}</div>
{{ macros::select(label="Typ", data=logtypes, name="logtype", id="logtype" ~ log.id, default="Normal", selected_id=log.logtype, class="rounded-md change-id-js") }}
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Ausfahrt beenden"/>
{% endmacro home %}