add boat stats Fixes

This commit is contained in:
philipp 2023-10-31 16:07:15 +01:00
parent 5a596132ab
commit 730f9e5dff
5 changed files with 93 additions and 7 deletions

@ -9,7 +9,28 @@ pub struct Stat {
impl Stat {
pub async fn get_rowed_km(db: &SqlitePool) -> Vec<Stat> {
pub async fn boats(db: &SqlitePool) -> Vec<Stat> {
//TODO: switch to query! macro again (once upgraded to sqlite 3.42 on server)
SELECT (SELECT name FROM boat WHERE id=logbook.boat_id) as name, CAST(SUM(distance_in_km) AS INTEGER) AS rowed_km
FROM logbook
GROUP BY boat_id
ORDER BY rowed_km DESC;
.map(|row| Stat {
name: row.get("name"),
rowed_km: row.get("rowed_km"),
pub async fn people(db: &SqlitePool) -> Vec<Stat> {
//TODO: switch to query! macro again (once upgraded to sqlite 3.42 on server)

@ -9,28 +9,50 @@ use crate::model::{
use super::log::KioskCookie;
#[get("/boats", rank = 2)]
async fn index_boat(db: &State<SqlitePool>, user: NonGuestUser) -> Template {
let stat = Stat::boats(db).await;
let kiosk = false;
context!(loggedin_user: &user.user, stat, kiosk),
async fn index_boat_kiosk(db: &State<SqlitePool>, _kiosk: KioskCookie) -> Template {
let stat = Stat::boats(db).await;
let kiosk = true;
Template::render("", context!(stat, kiosk, show_kiosk_header: true))
#[get("/", rank = 2)]
async fn index(db: &State<SqlitePool>, user: NonGuestUser) -> Template {
let stat = Stat::get_rowed_km(db).await;
let stat = Stat::people(db).await;
let personal = stat::get_personal(db, &user.user).await;
let kiosk = false;
context!(loggedin_user: &user.user, stat, personal, kiosk),
async fn index_kiosk(db: &State<SqlitePool>, _kiosk: KioskCookie) -> Template {
let stat = Stat::get_rowed_km(db).await;
let stat = Stat::people(db).await;
let kiosk = true;
Template::render("stat", context!(stat, kiosk, show_kiosk_header: true))
context!(stat, kiosk, show_kiosk_header: true),
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
routes![index, index_kiosk]
routes![index, index_kiosk, index_boat, index_boat_kiosk]

@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
<a href="/stat" class="block w-100 py-2 hover:text-primary-600 border-t">
<a href="/stat/boats" class="block w-100 py-2 hover:text-primary-600 border-t">
{% if loggedin_user.is_admin %}
<a href="/admin/boat" class="block w-100 py-2 hover:text-primary-600 border-t">

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{% import "includes/macros" as macros %}
{% extends "base" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="max-w-screen-lg w-full">
<h1 class="h1">Boots-Statistik</h1>
<div class="bg-gray-200 p-3 mt-4 rounded-t-md">
<label for="name" class="sr-only">Suche</label>
<input type="search" name="name" id="filter-js" class="w-full relative block rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 px-2 text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6 mb-2 md:mb-0" placeholder="Suchen nach Bootsnamen...">
<div id="filter-result-js" class="bg-gray-200 text-primary-950 pb-3 px-3 text-right"></div>
<div class="border-r border-l">
{% set_global km = 0 %}
{% set_global index = 1 %}
{% for s in stat %}
<div class="border-t {% if loop.last %} border-b {% endif %} bg-white flex justify-between items-center px-3 py-1" data-filterable="true" data-filter="{{ }}">
<span class="text-sm text-gray-600 w-10">
{% if km != s.rowed_km %}
{% set_global index = loop.index %}
{% else %}
{{ index }}
{% endif %}
<span class="grow">{{}}</span>
{% set_global km = s.rowed_km %}
{% endfor %}
<div id="container" class="w-full"></div>
<script src="/public/logbook.js"></script>
{% endblock content%}