# TODO - [ ] Allow sign-outs only >2h before event # Notes / Bugfixes - [] delete flag user administration - [] max_people = 0 -> Rot hervorheben, dass Ausfahrt abgesagt wurde? - [] my trips for cox - [] add `trip_type` (id, name, desc, question, icon) with a FK to `trip_details` - [] add `always_show` to `planned_trips` (e.g. for wanderfahrten) - [] exactly same time -> deny registration - [] `planned_events` -> ICS feed to be [integrated](https://icscalendar.com/shortcode-overview/) in homepage calendar # Nice to have - [] automatically add regular planned trip - [] User sync w/ nextcloud - [] remove key from src/rest/admin/rss.rs (line 8); at least before putting code somewhere public # Frontend Process ´cd frontend´ ´npm install´ ´npm run (watch/build)´ # Backend tests - [x] model/user.rs - [x] model/tripdetails.rs - [x] model/planned_event.rs - [x] model/trip.rs - [ ] model/usertrip.rs - [ ] Rest?