# Process - [ ] Import rowing members -> "Firstname Lastname" - [ ] New name -> is_guest = True - [ ] New trip from cox: define amount of rowers - [ ] guests only see guest trips # Edge case - Trip in the morning on usi rowing day - after N people (/ cox) -> red highlighted -> queue # Fancy - Every cox can define which boats they use - Link for specific trip - Basic auth (with e.g. ekrv) to prevent spam bots? (Or on first login there are 2 input fields: name + e.g. name of "strom") # DB - users - id: i32 - name: String - pw: Option - is_cox: bool (false) - is_admin: bool (false) - is_guest: bool (true) - planned_event - id: i32 - name: String (e.g. "USI") - planned_amount_cox: i32 - trip_details_id: i32 (trip_details.id) - open_registration: bool - allow_guests: bool (false) - trip - id: i32 - cox_id: i32 (user.id) - trip_details: Option (trip_details.id) - planned_trip_id: Option (planned_trip.id) - created: chrono::DateTime - trip_details - id: i32 - planned_starting_time: String - max_people: i32 - day: chrono::NaiveDate - user_trip - trip_details_id: i32 (trip_details.id) - user_id: i32 (user.id) - created: chrono::DateTime