forked from Ruderverein-Donau-Linz/rowt
935 lines
31 KiB
935 lines
31 KiB
use std::net::IpAddr;
use rocket::{
http::{Cookie, CookieJar},
request::{self, FlashMessage, FromRequest},
response::{Flash, Redirect},
time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime},
Request, Route, State,
use rocket_dyn_templates::{context, Template};
use sqlx::SqlitePool;
use tera::Context;
use crate::model::{
LogToAdd, LogToFinalize, Logbook, LogbookCreateError, LogbookDeleteError,
user::{NonGuestUser, User, UserWithWaterStatus},
pub struct KioskCookie(String);
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for KioskCookie {
type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> request::Outcome<KioskCookie, Self::Error> {
match request.cookies().get_private("kiosk") {
Some(cookie) => request::Outcome::Success(KioskCookie(cookie.value().to_string())),
None => request::Outcome::Forward(()),
#[get("/", rank = 2)]
async fn index(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage<'_>>,
user: NonGuestUser,
) -> Template {
let boats = Boat::for_user(db, &user.user).await;
let coxes: Vec<UserWithWaterStatus> = futures::future::join_all(
.map(|user| UserWithWaterStatus::from_user(user, db)),
let users: Vec<UserWithWaterStatus> = futures::future::join_all(
.map(|user| UserWithWaterStatus::from_user(user, db)),
let logtypes = LogType::all(db).await;
let distances = Logbook::distances(db).await;
let on_water = Logbook::on_water(db).await;
let mut context = Context::new();
if let Some(msg) = flash {
context.insert("flash", &msg.into_inner());
context.insert("boats", &boats);
context.insert("coxes", &coxes);
context.insert("users", &users);
context.insert("logtypes", &logtypes);
context.insert("loggedin_user", &user.user);
context.insert("on_water", &on_water);
context.insert("distances", &distances);
Template::render("log", context.into_json())
#[get("/show", rank = 2)]
async fn show(db: &State<SqlitePool>, user: NonGuestUser) -> Template {
let logs = Logbook::completed(db).await;
Template::render("log.completed", context!(logs, loggedin_user: &user.user))
async fn show_kiosk(db: &State<SqlitePool>, _kiosk: KioskCookie) -> Template {
let logs = Logbook::completed(db).await;
Template::render("log.completed", context!(logs, show_kiosk_header: true))
async fn new_kiosk(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
cookies: &CookieJar<'_>,
loc: String,
ip: Option<IpAddr>,
) -> Redirect {
format!("New kiosk cookie set for loc '{loc}' (IP={ip:?})"),
let mut cookie = Cookie::new("kiosk", loc);
cookie.set_expires(OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + Duration::weeks(12));
async fn kiosk(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage<'_>>,
kiosk: KioskCookie,
) -> Template {
let boats = Boat::all_at_location(db, kiosk.0).await;
let coxes: Vec<UserWithWaterStatus> = futures::future::join_all(
.map(|user| UserWithWaterStatus::from_user(user, db)),
let users: Vec<UserWithWaterStatus> = futures::future::join_all(
.map(|user| UserWithWaterStatus::from_user(user, db)),
let logtypes = LogType::all(db).await;
let distances = Logbook::distances(db).await;
let on_water = Logbook::on_water(db).await;
let mut context = Context::new();
if let Some(msg) = flash {
context.insert("flash", &msg.into_inner());
context.insert("boats", &boats);
context.insert("coxes", &coxes);
context.insert("users", &users);
context.insert("logtypes", &logtypes);
context.insert("on_water", &on_water);
context.insert("distances", &distances);
context.insert("show_kiosk_header", &true);
Template::render("kiosk", context.into_json())
async fn create_logbook(
db: &SqlitePool,
data: Form<LogToAdd>,
user: &NonGuestUser,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
return Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Du musst noch kurz geduldig sein. Sobald wir unser Logbuch umgestellt haben, kannst du es hier im Ruderassistenten verwenden ;)");
match Logbook::create(
Ok(_) => Flash::success(Redirect::to("/log"), "Ausfahrt erfolgreich hinzugefügt"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::BoatAlreadyOnWater) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Boot schon am Wasser"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::ShipmasterAlreadyOnWater) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Schiffsführer schon am Wasser"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::RowerAlreadyOnWater(rower)) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), format!("Ruderer {} schon am Wasser",,
Err(LogbookCreateError::BoatLocked) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"),"Boot gesperrt"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::BoatNotFound) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Boot gibt's ned"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::TooManyRowers(expected, actual)) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), format!("Zu viele Ruderer (Boot fasst maximal {expected}, es wurden jedoch {actual} Ruderer ausgewählt)")),
Err(LogbookCreateError::RowerCreateError(rower, e)) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), format!("Fehler bei Ruderer {rower}: {e}")),
Err(LogbookCreateError::SamePersonShipmasterAndRower) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Selbe Person als Schiffsführer und Ruderer ausgewählt"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::ArrivalSetButNoDistance) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Distanz notwendig, wenn Ankunftszeit angegeben wurde"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::ArrivalSetButNoDestination) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Ziel notwendig, wenn Ankunftszeit angegeben wurde"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::ArrivalNotAfterDeparture) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Ankunftszeit kann nicht vor der Abfahrtszeit sein"),
Err(LogbookCreateError::UserNotAllowedToUseBoat) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden"),
#[post("/", data = "<data>", rank = 2)]
async fn create(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
data: Form<LogToAdd>,
user: NonGuestUser,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
create_logbook(db, data, &user).await
#[post("/", data = "<data>")]
async fn create_kiosk(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
data: Form<LogToAdd>,
_kiosk: KioskCookie,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let creator = User::find_by_id(db, data.shipmaster as i32).await.unwrap();
create_logbook(db, data, &NonGuestUser::try_from(creator).unwrap()).await //TODO: fixme
async fn home_logbook(
db: &SqlitePool,
data: Form<LogToFinalize>,
logbook_id: i32,
user: &NonGuestUser,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
return Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Du musst noch kurz geduldig sein. Sobald wir unser Logbuch umgestellt haben, kannst du es hier im Ruderassistenten verwenden ;)");
let logbook: Option<Logbook> = Logbook::find_by_id(db, logbook_id).await;
let Some(logbook) = logbook else {
return Flash::error(
format!("Log with ID {} does not exist!", logbook_id),
match logbook.home(db, &user.user, data.into_inner()).await {
Ok(_) => Flash::success(Redirect::to("/log"), "Ausfahrt korrekt eingetragen"),
Err(LogbookUpdateError::TooManyRowers(expected, actual)) => Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), format!("Zu viele Ruderer (Boot fasst maximal {expected}, es wurden jedoch {actual} Ruderer ausgewählt)")),
Err(_) => Flash::error(
format!("Eintrag {} konnte nicht abgesendet werden!", logbook_id),
#[post("/<logbook_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn home_kiosk(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
data: Form<LogToFinalize>,
logbook_id: i32,
_kiosk: KioskCookie,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let logbook = Logbook::find_by_id(db, logbook_id).await.unwrap(); //TODO: fixme
User::find_by_id(db, logbook.shipmaster as i32)
.unwrap(), //TODO: fixme
#[post("/<logbook_id>", data = "<data>", rank = 2)]
async fn home(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
data: Form<LogToFinalize>,
logbook_id: i32,
user: NonGuestUser,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
home_logbook(db, data, logbook_id, &user).await
#[get("/<logbook_id>/delete", rank = 2)]
async fn delete(db: &State<SqlitePool>, logbook_id: i32, user: User) -> Flash<Redirect> {
return Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Du musst noch kurz geduldig sein. Sobald wir unser Logbuch umgestellt haben, kannst du es hier im Ruderassistenten verwenden ;)");
let logbook = Logbook::find_by_id(db, logbook_id).await;
if let Some(logbook) = logbook {
match logbook.delete(db, &user).await {
Ok(_) => Flash::success(
format!("Eintrag {} gelöscht!", logbook_id),
Err(LogbookDeleteError::NotYourEntry) => Flash::error(
"Du hast nicht die Berechtigung, den Eintrag zu löschen!",
} else {
format!("Logbook with ID {} could not be found!", logbook_id),
async fn delete_kiosk(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
logbook_id: i32,
_kiosk: KioskCookie,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
return Flash::error(Redirect::to("/log"), "Du musst noch kurz geduldig sein. Sobald wir unser Logbuch umgestellt haben, kannst du es hier im Ruderassistenten verwenden ;)");
let logbook = Logbook::find_by_id(db, logbook_id).await;
if let Some(logbook) = logbook {
let cox = User::find_by_id(db, logbook.shipmaster as i32)
match logbook.delete(db, &cox).await {
Ok(_) => Flash::success(
format!("Eintrag {} gelöscht!", logbook_id),
Err(LogbookDeleteError::NotYourEntry) => Flash::error(
"Du hast nicht die Berechtigung, den Eintrag zu löschen!",
} else {
format!("Logbook with ID {} could not be found!", logbook_id),
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
//mod test {
// use rocket::http::ContentType;
// use rocket::{http::Status, local::asynchronous::Client};
// use sqlx::SqlitePool;
// use crate::model::logbook::Logbook;
// use crate::tera::{log::Boat, User};
// use crate::testdb;
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_kiosk_cookie() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/auth"));
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// assert!(text.contains("Logbuch"));
// assert!(text.contains("Neue Ausfahrt"));
// assert!(!text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_kiosk_cookie_boat() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Ottensheim");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// assert!(text.contains("Logbuch"));
// assert!(text.contains("Neue Ausfahrt"));
// assert!(text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_index() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=admin&password=admin"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// assert!(text.contains("Logbuch"));
// assert!(text.contains("Neue Ausfahrt"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_show() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=admin&password=admin"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client.get("/log/show");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// println!("{text:?}");
// assert!(text.contains("Logbuch"));
// assert!(text.contains("Joe"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_show_kiosk() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
// let _ = req.dispatch().await;
// let req = client.get("/log/show");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// assert!(text.contains("Logbuch"));
// assert!(text.contains("Joe"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_create() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=admin&password=admin"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client
// .post("/log")
// .header(ContentType::Form)
// .body("boat_id=1&shipmaster=4&departure=2199-12-31T10:00");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt erfolgreich hinzugefügt"
// );
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_home_kiosk() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
// let _ = req.dispatch().await;
// let req = client
// .post("/log/1")
// .header(ContentType::Form)
// .body("destination=Ottensheim&distance_in_km=25");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt korrekt eingetragen"
// );
// }
// //Kiosk mode
// // i see all boats
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_kiosks_sees_all_boats() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
// let _ = req.dispatch().await;
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// //Sees all boats stationed in Linz
// assert!(text.contains("Haichenbach"));
// assert!(text.contains("Joe"));
// assert!(text.contains("Kaputtes Boot :-("));
// assert!(text.contains("Sehr kaputtes Boot :-(("));
// assert!(text.contains("second_private_boat_from_rower"));
// assert!(text.contains("private_boat_from_rower"));
// //Doesn't see the one's in Ottensheim
// assert!(!text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_kiosks_can_start_trips_with_all_boats() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// sqlx::query("DELETE FROM logbook;")
// .execute(&db)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let mut client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
// let _ = req.dispatch().await;
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Haichenbach".into(), "admin".into()).await;
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Joe".into(), "admin".into()).await;
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Kaputtes Boot :-(".into(), "admin".into()).await;
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Sehr kaputtes Boot :-((".into(),
// "admin".into(),
// "Boot gesperrt".into(),
// )
// .await;
// can_start_and_end_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "second_private_boat_from_rower".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// )
// .await;
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_shipowner_can_allow_others_to_drive() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// sqlx::query("DELETE FROM logbook;")
// .execute(&db)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=rower&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// // Owner can start trip:
// let boat_id = Boat::find_by_name(&db, "private_boat_from_rower".into())
// .await
// .unwrap()
// .id;
// let shipmaster_id = User::find_by_name(&db, "rower2".into()).await.unwrap().id;
// let req ="/log").header(ContentType::Form).body(format!(
// "boat_id={boat_id}&shipmaster={shipmaster_id}&departure=1199-12-31T10:00"
// ));
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt erfolgreich hinzugefügt"
// );
// // Shipmaster can end it
// let log_id = Logbook::highest_id(&db).await;
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=rower2&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client
// .post(format!("/log/{log_id}"))
// .header(ContentType::Form)
// .body("destination=Ottensheim&distance_in_km=25");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt korrekt eingetragen"
// );
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_normal_user_sees_appropriate_boats() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let mut client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=rower&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// sqlx::query("DELETE FROM logbook;")
// .execute(&db)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// //Sees all 1x
// assert!(text.contains("Haichenbach"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Haichenbach".into(), "rower".into()).await;
// assert!(text.contains("private_boat_from_rower"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "private_boat_from_rower".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(text.contains("second_private_boat_from_rower"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "second_private_boat_from_rower".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// )
// .await;
// //Don't see anything else
// assert!(!text.contains("Joe"));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Joe".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(!text.contains("Kaputtes Boot :-("));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Kaputtes Boot :-(".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(!text.contains("Sehr kaputtes Boot :-(("));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Sehr kaputtes Boot :-((".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// "Boot gesperrt".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(!text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Ottensheim Boot".into(),
// "rower".into(),
// "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden".into(),
// )
// .await;
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_cox_sees_appropriate_boats() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let mut client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=cox&password=cox"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// sqlx::query("DELETE FROM logbook;")
// .execute(&db)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let req = client.get("/log");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
// //Sees all 1x
// assert!(text.contains("Haichenbach"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Haichenbach".into(), "cox".into()).await;
// assert!(text.contains("Joe"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Joe".into(), "cox".into()).await;
// assert!(text.contains("Kaputtes Boot :-("));
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Kaputtes Boot :-(".into(), "cox".into()).await;
// assert!(text.contains("Sehr kaputtes Boot :-(("));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "Sehr kaputtes Boot :-((".into(),
// "cox".into(),
// "Boot gesperrt".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
// can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Ottensheim Boot".into(), "cox".into()).await;
// //Can't use private boats
// assert!(!text.contains("private_boat_from_rower"));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "private_boat_from_rower".into(),
// "cox".into(),
// "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden".into(),
// )
// .await;
// assert!(!text.contains("second_private_boat_from_rower"));
// cant_start_trip(
// &db,
// &mut client,
// "second_private_boat_from_rower".into(),
// "cox".into(),
// "Schiffsführer darf dieses Boot nicht verwenden".into(),
// )
// .await;
// }
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_cant_end_trip_other_user() {
// let db = testdb!();
// let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
// let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
// let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
// let login = client
// .post("/auth")
// .header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
// .body("name=rower2&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
// login.dispatch().await;
// let req = client
// .post("/log/1")
// .header(ContentType::Form)
// .body("destination=Ottensheim&distance_in_km=25");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "5:errorEintrag 1 konnte nicht abgesendet werden!"
// );
// }
// async fn can_start_and_end_trip(
// db: &SqlitePool,
// client: &mut Client,
// boat_name: String,
// shipmaster_name: String,
// ) {
// let boat_id = Boat::find_by_name(db, boat_name).await.unwrap().id;
// let shipmaster_id = User::find_by_name(db, &shipmaster_name).await.unwrap().id;
// let req ="/log").header(ContentType::Form).body(format!(
// "boat_id={boat_id}&shipmaster={shipmaster_id}&departure=1199-12-31T10:00"
// ));
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt erfolgreich hinzugefügt"
// );
// let log_id = Logbook::highest_id(db).await;
// let req = client
// .post(format!("/log/{log_id}"))
// .header(ContentType::Form)
// .body("destination=Ottensheim&distance_in_km=25");
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(
// flash_cookie.value(),
// "7:successAusfahrt korrekt eingetragen"
// );
// }
// async fn cant_start_trip(
// db: &SqlitePool,
// client: &mut Client,
// boat_name: String,
// shipmaster_name: String,
// reason: String,
// ) {
// let boat_id = Boat::find_by_name(db, boat_name).await.unwrap().id;
// let shipmaster_id = User::find_by_name(db, &shipmaster_name).await.unwrap().id;
// let req ="/log").header(ContentType::Form).body(format!(
// "boat_id={boat_id}&shipmaster={shipmaster_id}&departure=2199-12-31T10:00"
// ));
// let response = req.dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
// let flash_cookie = response
// .cookies()
// .get("_flash")
// .expect("Expected flash cookie");
// assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), format!("5:error{}", reason));
// }