pub fn contains_without_unter(classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name .to_lowercase() .contains(&classifier_name.to_lowercase()) && !instance_name.to_lowercase().contains("unter") } pub fn contains(classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name .to_lowercase() .contains(&classifier_name.to_lowercase()) } pub fn contains_case_sensitive(classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name.contains(&classifier_name) } pub fn starts_with_roman_number(_: &str, s: &str) -> bool { // Define the prefixes for Roman numerals. let roman_prefixes = [ "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII", "XIII", "XIV", "XV", "XVI", "XVII", "XVIII", "XIX", "XX", ]; // Check if the string starts with one of the Roman numeral prefixes followed by a period. roman_prefixes .iter() .any(|&prefix| s.starts_with(&(prefix.to_string() + "."))) } pub fn contains_at_start(_classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { !instance_name.is_empty() && instance_name.starts_with('@') } pub fn starts_with_number(_classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { matches!(instance_name.trim().as_bytes().first(), Some(c) if c.is_ascii_digit()) } pub fn starts_with_letter(_classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_lowercase()) && (instance_name.chars().nth(1) == Some('.') || instance_name.chars().nth(1) == Some(')')) } pub fn starts_with_uppercaseletter(_classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_uppercase()) && (instance_name.chars().nth(1) == Some('.') || instance_name.chars().nth(1) == Some(')')) } pub fn starts_with_dash(_classifier_name: &str, instance_name: &str) -> bool { instance_name.starts_with('-') && (instance_name.chars().nth(1) == Some(' ')) }