reservations #327

philipp merged 14 commits from reservations into main 2024-04-02 21:46:21 +02:00

Kann man meiner Meinung nach mergen (auf staging schon deployed), wenn du Lust und Laune hast könntest du die UI noch ein bisschen schöner machen.

Folgende Funktion:

  • jeder kann Reservierungen beantragen (Menüeintrag im Kiosk, unter / bei "Aktives Vereinsmitglied" zu finden); wenn's zu viel wird gibt's schon ein user_id_confirmation feld in der tabelle, dann muss jemand (vorstand?) die reservierung bestätigen, will's aber mal ohne dem probieren
  • 'Vorstand' Rolle bekommt notification wenn eine neue Reservierung eingetragen wurde
  • Uhrzeit ist 'nur' ein Textfeld. An allen Tagen die zwischen den angegebenen Tagen liegen bekommt man bei Auswahl des entsprechenden Bootes einen alert. (kann diesen aber einfach bestätigen, zB wenn Sandra eine Wanderfahrt ausschreibt und jemand anderes dann das Boot als Schiffsführer verwendet)
  • Alle Bootsreservierungen werden in /log angezeigt.

Noch nicht perfekte UI (aber funktional :-)):

  • in /log -> Wär cool wenn's nicht oben angezeigt wird (viel Platz...) sondern ev. rechts unter "Am Wasser"? Wie siehst du das?
  • liste in /boatreservation
Kann man meiner Meinung nach mergen (auf staging schon deployed), wenn du Lust und Laune hast könntest du die UI noch ein bisschen schöner machen. Folgende Funktion: - jeder kann Reservierungen beantragen (Menüeintrag im Kiosk, unter / bei "Aktives Vereinsmitglied" zu finden); wenn's zu viel wird gibt's schon ein user_id_confirmation feld in der tabelle, dann muss jemand (vorstand?) die reservierung bestätigen, will's aber mal ohne dem probieren - 'Vorstand' Rolle bekommt notification wenn eine neue Reservierung eingetragen wurde - Uhrzeit ist 'nur' ein Textfeld. An allen Tagen die zwischen den angegebenen Tagen liegen bekommt man bei Auswahl des entsprechenden Bootes einen alert. (kann diesen aber einfach bestätigen, zB wenn Sandra eine Wanderfahrt ausschreibt und jemand anderes dann das Boot als Schiffsführer verwendet) - Alle Bootsreservierungen werden in /log angezeigt. Noch nicht perfekte UI (aber funktional :-)): - [ ] in /log -> Wär cool wenn's nicht oben angezeigt wird (viel Platz...) sondern ev. rechts unter "Am Wasser"? Wie siehst du das? - [ ] liste in /boatreservation
philipp added 1 commit 2024-03-30 01:51:15 +01:00
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m11s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp changed title from reservations to WIP: reservations 2024-03-30 09:10:23 +01:00
philipp added 1 commit 2024-03-30 09:17:31 +01:00
hide reservations if there are none; clean code
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m6s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp requested review from marie 2024-03-30 09:20:27 +01:00
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-01 22:39:42 +02:00
Merge branch 'main' into reservations
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 12m49s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-02 11:19:59 +02:00
Merge branch 'main' into reservations
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 10m52s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp changed title from WIP: reservations to reservations 2024-04-02 11:21:11 +02:00
philipp changed title from WIP: reservations to reservations 2024-04-02 11:21:11 +02:00
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-02 20:59:15 +02:00
[TASK] style boat reservation
Some checks are pending
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m15s
philipp added 8 commits 2024-04-02 21:11:45 +02:00
Merge pull request 'reservations' (#326) from reservations into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m8s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 5m7s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #326
Merge pull request 'hide reservations if there are none; clean code' (#330) from reservations into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m12s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 6m16s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #330
Merge pull request 'only-last-30-days-notifications' (#331) from only-last-30-days-notifications into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m17s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 5m13s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #331
Merge pull request 'fix-notification-content' (#333) from fix-notification-content into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m6s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 5m8s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #333
Merge branch 'main' into staging
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
deployed :-)
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been cancelled
philipp added 1 commit 2024-04-02 21:31:10 +02:00
show 'no reservations' if no reservations :-)
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp merged commit b0ea0668c7 into main 2024-04-02 21:46:21 +02:00
philipp deleted branch reservations 2024-04-02 21:46:21 +02:00
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Reference: Ruderverein-Donau-Linz/rowt#327
No description provided.