inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining #774

philipp merged 14 commits from update-ergo into main 2024-10-25 21:00:51 +02:00
No description provided.
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-19 22:03:43 +02:00
inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp changed title from inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining to WIP: inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining 2024-10-19 22:03:58 +02:00
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-19 22:04:14 +02:00
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-19 22:16:40 +02:00
show second button in winter
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 12m34s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been skipped
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-25 20:15:24 +02:00
Merge branch 'main' into update-ergo
Some checks are pending
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m7s
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-25 20:54:52 +02:00
marie magic
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp added 1 commit 2024-10-25 20:57:31 +02:00
Ergo Challenge not Ergo-Challenge. Sth. completely different
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp changed title from WIP: inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining to inform people of participation; require updating personal data before joining 2024-10-25 20:58:25 +02:00
philipp added 8 commits 2024-10-25 20:59:34 +02:00
Merge pull request 'deplyed' (#763) from fix-seeds into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 12m10s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 9m3s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #763
Merge pull request 'fix-wordpress-login' (#767) from fix-wordpress-login into staging
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m39s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Failing after 10m27s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #767
Merge pull request 'merged' (#769) from merged into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m27s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 8m15s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #769
Merge pull request 'compress uploads for faster deplyments' (#771) from faster-deploy into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 11m32s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 6m27s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #771
Merge pull request 'update-ergo' (#773) from update-ergo into staging
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
Reviewed-on: #773
Merge pull request 'show second button in winter' (#775) from update-ergo into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 12m29s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 10m38s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #775
Merge pull request 'steering-user' (#777) from steering-user into staging
All checks were successful
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Successful in 10m42s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Successful in 5m14s
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been skipped
Reviewed-on: #777
Merge branch 'staging' into update-ergo
Some checks failed
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-staging (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / deploy-main (push) Has been cancelled
CI/CD Pipeline / test (push) Has been cancelled
philipp merged commit d0b0888a9b into main 2024-10-25 21:00:51 +02:00
philipp deleted branch update-ergo 2024-10-25 21:00:51 +02:00
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1 Participants
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Reference: Ruderverein-Donau-Linz/rowt#774
No description provided.