add tests

This commit is contained in:
philipp 2023-10-01 13:48:21 +02:00
parent 68cb4a5b8f
commit 83e75b1ca9
4 changed files with 209 additions and 10 deletions

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ INSERT INTO "boat" (name, amount_seats, location_id) VALUES ('Joe', 2, 1);
INSERT INTO "boat" (name, amount_seats, location_id) VALUES ('Kaputtes Boot :-(', 7, 1);
INSERT INTO "boat" (name, amount_seats, location_id) VALUES ('Sehr kaputtes Boot :-((', 7, 1);
INSERT INTO "boat" (name, amount_seats, location_id) VALUES ('Ottensheim Boot', 7, 2);
INSERT INTO "boat" (name, amount_seats, location_id, owner) VALUES ('second_private_boat_from_rower', 1, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO "logbook_type" (name) VALUES ('Wanderfahrt');
INSERT INTO "logbook_type" (name) VALUES ('Regatta');
INSERT INTO "logbook" (boat_id, shipmaster, shipmaster_only_steering, departure) VALUES (2, 2, false, '1142-12-24 10:00');

@ -136,7 +136,9 @@ ORDER BY amount_seats DESC
if user.is_admin {
return Self::all(db).await;
let boats = sqlx::query_as!(
let mut boats;
if user.is_cox {
boats = sqlx::query_as!(
SELECT id, name, amount_seats, location_id, owner, year_built, boatbuilder, default_shipmaster_only_steering, skull, external
@ -149,6 +151,21 @@ ORDER BY amount_seats DESC
.unwrap(); //TODO: fixme
} else {
boats = sqlx::query_as!(
SELECT id, name, amount_seats, location_id, owner, year_built, boatbuilder, default_shipmaster_only_steering, skull, external
FROM boat
WHERE owner = ? OR (owner is null and amount_seats = 1)
ORDER BY amount_seats DESC
.unwrap(); //TODO: fixme
Self::boats_to_details(db, boats).await

@ -294,6 +294,16 @@ ORDER BY departure DESC
pub async fn highest_id(db: &SqlitePool) -> i32 {
sqlx::query!("SELECT max(id) as id FROM logbook")
pub async fn home(
db: &SqlitePool,

@ -38,12 +38,8 @@ impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for KioskCookie {
#[get("/", rank = 2)]
async fn index(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
flash: Option<FlashMessage<'_>>,
adminuser: AdminUser,
) -> Template {
let boats = Boat::for_user(db, &adminuser.user).await;
async fn index(db: &State<SqlitePool>, flash: Option<FlashMessage<'_>>, user: User) -> Template {
let boats = Boat::for_user(db, &user).await;
let coxes: Vec<UserWithWaterStatus> = futures::future::join_all(
@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ async fn index(
context.insert("coxes", &coxes);
context.insert("users", &users);
context.insert("logtypes", &logtypes);
context.insert("loggedin_user", &adminuser.user);
context.insert("loggedin_user", &user);
context.insert("on_water", &on_water);
context.insert("distances", &distances);
@ -232,9 +228,9 @@ async fn home(
db: &State<SqlitePool>,
data: Form<LogToFinalize>,
logbook_id: i32,
adminuser: AdminUser,
user: User,
) -> Flash<Redirect> {
home_logbook(db, data, logbook_id, &adminuser.user).await
home_logbook(db, data, logbook_id, &user).await
@ -280,6 +276,8 @@ mod test {
use rocket::{http::Status, local::asynchronous::Client};
use sqlx::SqlitePool;
use crate::model::logbook::Logbook;
use crate::tera::{log::Boat, User};
use crate::testdb;
@ -463,4 +461,177 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), "7:successSuccessfully updated log");
//Kiosk mode
// i see all boats
fn test_kiosks_sees_all_boats() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
let _ = req.dispatch().await;
let req = client.get("/log");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
//Sees all boats stationed in Linz
assert!(text.contains("Kaputtes Boot :-("));
assert!(text.contains("Sehr kaputtes Boot :-(("));
//Doesn't see the one's in Ottensheim
assert!(!text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
fn test_kiosks_can_start_trips_with_all_boats() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let mut client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let req = client.get("/log/kiosk/ekrv2019/Linz");
let _ = req.dispatch().await;
can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Haichenbach".into(), "admin".into()).await;
can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Joe".into(), "admin".into()).await;
can_start_and_end_trip(&db, &mut client, "Kaputtes Boot :-(".into(), "admin".into()).await;
&mut client,
"Sehr kaputtes Boot :-((".into(),
"Boot gesperrt".into(),
&mut client,
fn test_normal_user_sees_appropriate_boats() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let login = client
.header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
.body("name=rower&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
let req = client.get("/log");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
let text = response.into_string().await.unwrap();
//Sees all 1x
//Don't see anything else
assert!(!text.contains("Kaputtes Boot :-("));
assert!(!text.contains("Sehr kaputtes Boot :-(("));
assert!(!text.contains("Ottensheim Boot"));
async fn can_start_and_end_trip(
db: &SqlitePool,
client: &mut Client,
boat_name: String,
shipmaster_name: String,
) {
let boat_id = Boat::find_by_name(db, boat_name).await.unwrap().id;
let shipmaster_id = User::find_by_name(db, &shipmaster_name).await.unwrap().id;
let req ="/log").header(ContentType::Form).body(format!(
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
"7:successAusfahrt erfolgreich hinzugefügt"
let log_id = Logbook::highest_id(db).await;
let req = client
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), "7:successSuccessfully updated log");
//TODO: Remove the following query?
// "DELETE FROM logbook WHERE boat_id={boat_id} AND shipmaster={shipmaster_id}"
async fn cant_start_trip(
db: &SqlitePool,
client: &mut Client,
boat_name: String,
shipmaster_name: String,
reason: String,
) {
let boat_id = Boat::find_by_name(db, boat_name).await.unwrap().id;
let shipmaster_id = User::find_by_name(db, &shipmaster_name).await.unwrap().id;
let req ="/log").header(ContentType::Form).body(format!(
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/log"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), format!("5:error{}", reason));