add tests

This commit is contained in:
philipp 2023-07-22 12:24:29 +02:00
parent 18d0b906da
commit d712859566
3 changed files with 173 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ user_details
# Missing backend tests
- [ ] (index) GET /
- [ ] (faq) GET /faq
- [ ] (cal) GET /cal
- [ ] (FileServer: svelte/build) GET /<path..>
- [ ] (join) GET /join/<trip_details_id>
- [ ] (remove) GET /remove/<trip_details_id>
- [x] (index) GET /
- [x] (faq) GET /faq
- [x] (cal) GET /cal
- [x] (FileServer: svelte/build) GET /<path..>
- [x] (join) GET /join/<trip_details_id>
- [x] (remove) GET /remove/<trip_details_id>
- [x] (create) POST /cox/trip
- [ ] (update) POST /cox/trip/<trip_id>
- [ ] (join) GET /cox/join/<planned_event_id>

View File

@ -11,9 +11,59 @@ async fn faq(user: User) -> Template {
async fn cal(db: &State<SqlitePool>) -> (ContentType, String) {
//TODO: add unit test once proper functionality is there
(ContentType::Calendar, PlannedEvent::get_ics_feed(db).await)
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
routes![faq, cal]
mod test {
use rocket::{
http::{ContentType, Status},
use sqlx::SqlitePool;
use crate::testdb;
fn test_faq() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let login = client
.header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
.body("name=cox&password=cox"); // Add the form data to the request body;
let req = client.get("/faq");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
fn test_without_login() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let req = client.get("/");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/auth"));

View File

@ -123,27 +123,120 @@ pub fn config(rocket: Rocket<Build>) -> Rocket<Build> {
//mod test {
// use crate::testdb;
// use super::start;
// use rocket::http::Status;
// use rocket::local::asynchronous::Client;
// use rocket::uri;
// use sqlx::SqlitePool;
// #[sqlx::test]
// fn test_not_logged_in() {
// let pool = testdb!();
// let client = Client::tracked(start(pool))
// .await
// .expect("valid rocket instance");
// let response = client.get(uri!(super::index)).dispatch().await;
// assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
// let location = response.headers().get("Location").next().unwrap();
// assert_eq!(location, "/auth");
// }
mod test {
use rocket::{
http::{ContentType, Status},
use sqlx::SqlitePool;
use crate::testdb;
fn test_index() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let login = client
.header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
.body("name=cox&password=cox"); // Add the form data to the request body;
let req = client.get("/");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
fn test_without_login() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let req = client.get("/");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/auth"));
fn test_join_and_remove() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let login = client
.header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
.body("name=rower&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
let req = client.get("/join/1");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), "7:successErfolgreich angemeldet!");
let req = client.get("/remove/1");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), "7:successErfolgreich abgemeldet!");
fn test_join_invalid_event() {
let db = testdb!();
let rocket = rocket::build().manage(db.clone());
let rocket = crate::tera::config(rocket);
let client = Client::tracked(rocket).await.unwrap();
let login = client
.header(ContentType::Form) // Set the content type to form
.body("name=rower&password=rower"); // Add the form data to the request body;
let req = client.get("/join/9999");
let response = req.dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther);
assert_eq!(response.headers().get("Location").next(), Some("/"));
let flash_cookie = response
.expect("Expected flash cookie");
assert_eq!(flash_cookie.value(), "5:errorTrip_details do not exist.");